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The Ridge

Mixed Media Installations

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In my solo showcase, The Ridge 炎脊, I exhibited a large-scale installation

and mixed media artworks. It was all developed from a self-written story:
















Pedals of flames
The Archer has shrouded all but the bright tenth sun,
Its bloom, its zenith, this sky has never seen.
Cruelest was the heat, beckoned the people to dance.
Lost in the thumping beat; lost to the ritualistic trance.
In moving steps, they fluttered and they sputtered
into quick tiny specks of flames.


The wind blew and blew, so too, the sparks had flew.
They climbed and rose; rose and they climbed, suspending beneath the scorching sky,
staring straight into the sun of a savage eye.
Everything mid-air lighted up in a flash,
One cracked, then the next burnt
in an instance, all has became one.
The result of an unruly clash,
sparing nothing but the blanket of ash.

The Ridge
The ashes faltered like a sunken beat, idling in quiet descend through air too thick.
Folks muttered about their sightings from time to time.
Still traveling in flocks to and fro,
Know not where destiny would behold,
But to circle in air, without a home to spare.
For when they settle, I do know,
They’d repose tidily onto a pile,
Protruding from the earth, resembling a ridge.
Snooze they would, like a frail beast for just a tame while.


I would describe everything that existed in the room the fragments that connected and belonged to the story. The audience can interpret their projection of the story and installation. It was interesting that people perceived the ridge form as different subjects.


The whole showcase carries a mythical and solemn atmosphere.

The setting also reminds people of the archeology site.

I continue my practice of using modern ready-made objects to emphasize the timeless spiritual connection of art and the collision of varied time and space.

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